Tribani Kala Kendra is known as a Cultural Organization Board, which has become an all-India institution and conducts its examinations every year as per the rules and regulations (exams) formed by the Board Committee through its structure. All the academies, schools and, institutes, organizations under this board are bound to follow the rules and regulations of the center as they are prescribed for the specific purpose of the center. The number of such affiliated cultural organizations is increasing every year under the supervision of the center. The quality and reliability of the Centre's examinations give credibility to new academies every year for affiliation with the Centre, which already operates in an open university style in the form of a prestigious all-India institute.
1. The center must have a 'Name'. |
2. Subject. |
3. An examination center must have at least 20 candidates. |
4. If there are less than 20 students, talk to us. |
5. Name of the Principal of the Institute/School/Organization |
6. Identity card(any) of the principal |
7. Color passport size photo of principal. |
8. Pan card photo copy of the principal. |
9. Qualification in Art Education. |
10. Educational Qualifications. |
11. Photo copy signed by the principal. |
12. Register Mobile Number. |
13. Register Mail ID. |
The Kendra continues to grant affiliations as per the rules governed by its Board Committee members. Kendra has divided the affiliation program into 2 processes, one through the mail process, and the second through the online application process. Affiliation is granted to such institutions after a proper assessment of their infrastructure. They are required to abide by the Rules & Regulations of Tribani Kala Kendra meant for the said purpose. Kendra grants affiliation to institutions all over India and abroad.
1. Via Mail - Copy the content and Paste the Mail Box. Document File Upload Needed.
The Secretary,
Tribani kala kendra
Khurigachi, Sonarpur, kol-700150,
South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India.
Sub : Affiliated Program
Mail Id : [email protected]
** Mail Body and document File Upload Needed.
2. Online Application - Fill the form.